Horn of Africa

Horn of Africa Somali refugees seek shelter in Dadaab camp after fleeing a prolonged drought in Somalia, near the Kenyan border with Somalia, August 20, 2011. (Credit: Lynsey Addario/ VII […]

House of Cards: Rebuilding

House of Cards Rebuilding House of Cards. House of Cards. House of Cards. House of Cards. House of Cards. About the Project While 2008 made us aware of the housing […]

We All We Got

We All We Got A candlelight vigil to commemorate Albert Vaughn, known as a neighborhood guardian. The older teenager played ball with the younger kids and tried to keep them […]

Sustenance: Chicago and the Food Chain

SUSTENANCE Chicago and the Food Chain  Fred Daniels, 31, the site manager of Growing Home, a community-based agriculture project, adjusts the row cover inside one of the facility’s hoop houses […]

Sanctuary/Sustenance: The Story of Many Journeys

SANCTUARY/SUSTENANCE The Story of Many Journeys Shamikcha Gurung, 18. Brentwood Student Group, Brentwood High School Born in camp, Beldangi II 6 years Danced in the camps. “I just want to […]

The Prosecutors

A person holds a microphone and wears a black robe, black gloves, and a black mask covering their entire face

The Prosecutors Justice is for Everyone. The Prosecutors The Prosecutors, image by Stephanie Sunata The Prosecutors About the Project Rape and pillage are concepts as old as war itself. Certainly, […]


COngo/Women Portraits of War Congolese women, who were sexually assaulted, sit in a shelter run by Heal Africa in Goma, North Kivu province, Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, on April […]

Women between Peace and War: Afghanistan

Person standing in the center surrounded by a group, all looking towards the camera.

Women Between Peace and War: Afghanistan Tracing the Crisis of the Family in a Country Under Siege Women between Peace and War: Afghanistan Women between Peace and War Installation, Lisbon […]