Sanctuary/Sustenance at Quincy University

Quincy University 1800 College Ave., Quincy, IL, United States

We are thrilled to share that AWP's film Sanctuary/Sustenance will be screened from January 20th to 25th at Quincy University's Social Justice Week. Social Justice Week is hosted by Quincy's Office of Student Development and Multicultural Affairs. The film screening as well as other SJW activities will be held in the basement of Francis Hall […]


Sanctuary/Sustenance at Quincy University Copy

Quincy University 1800 College Ave., Quincy, IL, United States

We are thrilled to share that AWP's film Sanctuary/Sustenance will be screened from January 20th to 25th at Quincy University's Social Justice Week. Social Justice Week is hosted by Quincy's Office of Student Development and Multicultural Affairs. The film screening as well as other SJW activities will be held in the basement of Francis Hall […]


CANCELADO Muestra Fotográfica Transiciones | Transitions Photography Exhibition

Centro de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata Calle 48 entre 6 y 7, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

El evento fue cancelado por la Covid-19 pandemia. Transiciones es una exhibición de fotografía multimedia que explora las trayectorias de la justicia transicional en naciones en conflicto o posconflicto. Se trata de una iniciativa conjunta, en la que participaron equipos de Bosnia y Herzegovina (BiH), Colombia, la República Democrática del Congo (DRC), y los Estados […]


CANCELADO Los Fiscales | The Prosecutors

Centro de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata Calle 48 entre 6 y 7, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

El evento fue cancelado por la Covid-19 pandemia. Víctimas desestimadas como “daño colateral”, sobrevivientes silenciados y criminales impunes: esta es la historia de la violencia sexual en conflictos que los abogados intentan cambiar. La violación y los saqueos son conceptos tan antiguos como la guerra misma. Sin duda, la guerra lleva consigo la idea de […]


CANCELADO Los Fiscales | The Prosecutors

El evento fue cancelado por la Covid-19 pandemia. Víctimas desestimadas como “daño colateral”, sobrevivientes silenciados y criminales impunes: esta es la historia de la violencia sexual en conflictos que los abogados intentan cambiar. La violación y los saqueos son conceptos tan antiguos como la guerra misma. Sin duda, la guerra lleva consigo la idea de […]


CANCELLED Film Screening: The Prosecutors

PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security Hausmannsgate 3, Oslo, Oslo, Norway

The below event was CANCELLED due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The PRIO GPS Centre and the Centre for Gender Research (STK) invite you to a screening of the documentary 'The Prosecutors' (2018). Registration required here: The event is free. 'The Prosecutors' is a feature length documentary that tells the story of three dedicated lawyers […]


Virtual Film Screening: The Prosecutors

Join us for a virtual screening of The Prosecutors at Hogan Lovells "Rape and pillage" are concepts as old as war itself. Certainly, war carries with it the idea of gathering the spoils found by those who stand victorious on the battlefield. But sexual violence is a war crime, not collateral damage, and it must be confronted. […]



Online! IL, United States

Join ART WORKS Projects June 1-20, 2020 as we share the stories of refugee families seeking safety and community in the United States. #FindingHomeAgain, a campaign in recognition of World Refugee Day 2020, highlights the need for a safe home for all–especially as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow along on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. #FindingHomeAgain contains images and film created for […]


Collaborator Conversation: Lauren DeCicca & Ryn Jirenuwat

Online! IL, United States

Join ART WORKS Projects in conversation with photojournalist Lauren DeCicca and journalist Ryn Jirenuwat, the Bangkok-based creative contributors to AWP's new digital exhibition The Second Wave: Thailand's Economic Struggle. Lauren and Ryn will discuss the making of this project and answer questions.   October 13, 2020 7 p.m. CT via Zoom   CLICK HERE TO RSVP.    […]


A City in Limbo: Brittany Greeson + Claudia Perkins Milton

Online! IL, United States

Join ART WORKS Projects in conversation with photojournalist and Emerging Lens VI winner Brittany Greeson and Claudia Perkins-Milton, an organizer, grassroots activist, and news commentator in Flint, Michigan. Greeson's project A City in Limbo will be released as two digital exhibitions – the first will introduce the ongoing water crisis in Flint, and the second […]


ECHOES Exhibition Opening | Flint, MI

Sylvester Broom Empowerment Village 4119 Saginaw Street, Flint, MI, United States

ART WORKS Projects is honored to present ECHOES: Looking back on Flint amid COVID, a photographic collaboration between students of Youth News Movement, Report for America fellow KT Kanazawich, Flint Beat, and Emerging Lens 2020 Fellow Brittany Greeson. Since 2014, residents of Flint have fought for their right to safe drinking water. The gross negligence […]


Emerging Lens: The Future of Visual Storytelling

Online! IL, United States

Join ART WORKS Projects for a conversation with photojournalists Emmanuel Guillén Lozano (2016 winner), Rachel Woolf (2018 winner), and Brittany Greeson (2020 winner). We’ll learn about the need for fellowships like AWP’s Emerging Lens program as a way to remove barriers for early-career photojournalists, and how this program has impacted some of our past award […]
